Rendezvous with Dido


Work part of the Exhibition "Séance of Tales in Technicolor"
Acrylic on canvas
90x60 cm

Something about what is behind this painting:

The stages of grief over losing a loved one are mirrored in the story of Dido from Virgil's "Aeneid". Initially, Dido is in denial about Aeneas's departure, immersing herself in their love and ignoring the potential consequences. When Aeneas announces he must leave, her denial turns to intense anger, feeling betrayed by both Aeneas and the gods.

Dido then tries to bargain, desperately pleading with Aeneas to stay longer, hoping to change his mind. As he prepares to leave, she sinks into deep despair, her powerful demeanor collapsing under the weight of her sorrow. Ultimately, Dido’s acceptance of her loss leads to her tragic suicide, unable to bear the pain and accepting that he will never return.

Dido’s journey through denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and tragic acceptance parallels the stages of grief experienced by those who lose a loved one.

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